[BLOG] The Hamster Wheel of High Overhead
April 12, 2017
Hamster Wheel of High Overhead
May 8, 2019Why I Almost Quit Practice
Back in 2009, I was so burned out by the way I was practicing that I was completely ready to quit.
After two years of working in a high volume practice, where I was seeing patients every couple of minutes and making pennies on the dollar, I woke up to a style of practice that I completely hated./h5>
Even worse, I thought it was the only way to practice, and this was a huge wakeup call after eight years of school and $150,000 of student debt.
I could have either said, "you know what I'm just going to forget it all and do something completely different..."
Or I could develop a different way to practice.
So I built a practice where I didn't have to feel like my day to day life is a rat race. I figured out how can I build a practice that was the completely opposite of that, and how to grow my practice faster with house calls in 6 steps, which is why I want to share my new ebook "6 Steps to Build Your Practice Faster with House Calls."
In this 6-step method I've built, I was able to break away from all that nonsense stress of high volume and high overhead and that awful churn and burn that I think a lot of professionals are dealing with today.
And I'm guessing that since you're here, it's something that you might be dealing with or maybe you're afraid you're going to deal with it.
Check out the video to learn why I almost quit practice and what I did about it...