Why Patients are Paying More for Convenience
June 6, 2019
The Deeper Pandemic in Private Practice and Why House Calls Can Create a New Future
April 16, 2020Want to Get New Patients Fast? Fix these 3 Mistakes (Especially #2)
Is your practice struggling to keep, or even get, patients?
You spend hours and dollars every week trying the latest marketing strategies, Facebook ad hacks, posting, going to health fairs...you name it.
But no matter your efforts, the appointment books are still empty.
If you’re struggling to grow your practice beyond the loyal few, change are, you’re making one of these 3 mistakes.
Even if you’re an amazing provider - own it if you are and love what you do - very few people will actually schedule with you if you continue to make these 3 mistakes.
Let’s flip the switch on marketing, shall we? 🙂
Once you fix these issues (especially #2), you’ll not only start getting new patients - but you’ll be adding them FAST!
Here are the top 3 reasons you’re not getting new patients and how you can solve them to a constant flow of them:
Marketing Mistake #1: Business Cards are Your Main Marketing Strategy
A business card is a name tag. That’s it.
It is not the golden ticket to booking your practice.
But so many hide in the business card. Thinking that the more they pass out, the more successful they’ll be.
Truth is, you’ll just get more frustrated waiting for the phone to ring and staring at empty appointment books.
Marketing your practice takes more than a pretty 2x3” business card. It’s about having a strategy based on VALUE and RAPPORT.
In order to get new patients, you need to step out of the comfort zone of the business card. Stop hiding in it and hope that by saying, “well if you need me, here’s my card.”
You need to actively communicate with people in your community.
This means engaging in meaningful conversations, getting to know who they are, asking about their health, and showing that you care.
It’s actually what you’re really good at when you’re with an actual patient.
Rather than pass out a business card, ask for theirs, so you can followup and initiate conversation, rather than waiting for them to take the lead.
You went into healthcare to be an authority and voice in your community. It starts in that first interaction with someone.
Set the tone and take initiative.
Marketing Mistake #2: You Market to Everyone Because You Want to Help Everyone
I get it. When we dedicate our life to being in health care, it’s because we’re big-hearted people.
We are the empaths, the healers, the nurturers of this world.
And truth is, a lot of people genuinely do need and can benefit from what you have to offer.
But the problem is that there’s only one of you, and when you try to market to the masses thinking it’s about the number of people you reach…
It actually means you market to no one.
Because when you use broad-stroke marketing, you have to keep the message general. You say the jist of what you do and what you offer, but there’s no room for people to CONNECT with your message.
And there’s no room for you to CONNECT with the type of people you love to work with the most.
It’s because you’ve been taught to build a practice based on numbers. If you’re aiming for high volume, then it’s natural to think that you have to get a high number of patients, not factoring in if they’re actually a good fit for you.
Here’s a terrible (but common) example of an ad that’s intended to get new patients…

The problem with this ad is that there is no SPECIFIC message. The dentist is just hoping (*fingers crossed*) that the right person who needs at dentist at the right time will see it.
Now if it’s a Mom who sees an ad with kids on it talking about sugar and cavities, she’ll pay attention, because it’s relevant to her.
If you want your marketing to work, then your message NEEDS to connect with a specific audience in your community.
For example, I created a free 3-part video course called “How I Build a Six-Figure Practice with House Calls.” This isn’t just for any healthcare provider. It’s for the burned out provider who are tired of high volume, high stress, and looking for a refreshing way to practice.
Because those people are my people. :)
Marketing Mistake #3: Thinking Marketing is the Secret to Getting New Patients
Wait, isn’t that what we’re talking about?
Isn’t the biggest key to actually market MORE to get new patients?
No, my friend. It’s actually not that at all.
There’s a difference between marketing and converting.
Unfortunately most providers rely on the marketing piece, only.
So what’s the difference?
Marketing is about getting in front of people. That’s step 1. The health fairs, talks, meetings, posts, Facebook Lives, … all of that is getting in front of your community.
But the biggest waste of time with marketing happens right here, where you hope that people will like your talk, pitch, post enough to be compelled to schedule with you.
They typically won’t, except for the needles in the haystack, because they aren’t being compelled to action.
If you don’t tell them “what to do next” after you’re presented something to them, they’ll just move on to the next item in their busy day.
In other words, you need to tell them what to. Lead the charge. Invite them to schedule, to a consult, to join your list.
Give them something they can sink their teeth into while the interest is there, because once they move onto the next thing, odds are, it won’t be.
(NOTE: Want to fill your practice without marketing being your life? Check out my ebook on the “6 Steps to Build Your Practice Faster with House Calls.”
If you’re spinning your wheels trying to get new patients, or you’re putting own starting your own practice because the idea of marketing makes your skin crawl, start by addressing Mistake #1, “Business Cards are Your Main Marketing Strategy,” and work your way down the list.
Correcting these three mistakes will help you market your practice more effectively, in less time, and ultimately, get more new patients.
(RELATED: Tired of the high volume practice and looking for a way out? Check out my free 3-part video course "How I Built a Six-Figure Practice with House Calls: No More 12-Hour Days or Crushing Overhead.)
If you're tired of marketing the same way and want to break out of the high volume stress, check out this training. I cover the most fundamental questions about house calls and how to build a practice that gives you profit and freedom.
Dr. Jen